grandprix 2019/2021 / Casalgrande Padana
Almost 30 years of history and more than 1700 projects from five continents. This is the Grand Prix, Casalgrande Padana’s International Architecture Competition, which is now into its 12th Edition.
The prestige and respect this event commands is illustrated not just by the high levels of participation it sees, but above all by the impressive quality of the projects sent in from five continents around the world. It means the big names of the architectural world stand side by side with young talents and experienced firms on the common ground of ceramic design, with creativity and technological innovation in abundance. The Grand Prix was set up with the aim of identifying and recognising works that have done justice to the technical properties and expressive potential of Casalgrande Padana’s porcelain stoneware products.

Through the medium of this cultural initiative, Casalgrande Padana – which has always been particularly sensitive and attentive to the evolutions and changes underway in the international architectural scene – supports a competition that transforms ceramics from functional element into undisputed star of the show. It is a significant cultural event, supported by an international panel made up of industry experts, designers, university professors and architecture critics from a range of countries who act independently to rate the projects submitted. Thanks to all this, the Grand Prix has developed over time, transcending the boundaries of a simple competition and now represents an opportunity for debate and dialogue on the issues affecting architecture, design and technological innovation.

All designers (architects, engineers, designers, interior decorators, private or public technical studio professional architecture and interior decorating firms, etc) who have carried out works in which Casalgrande Padana materials have been used for floorings and/or wall coverings of any type, can compete for the prizes. Applications can be made by single professionals or by groups with the appointment of a group leader.

- Each participant can submit one or more works; it’s their task and responsibility to obtain the consent of the purchaser and/or owner for the submission and use of the work and its relative materials.
- Projects completed using Casalgrande Padana materials in any public or private building field, in interiors or exteriors, either in new constructions or in renovation and restoration work on an existing construction, can be submitted.
- Works carried out in the period January 2016 – December 2021 can take part in the twelfth edition of the competition.

– Registration in the Grand Prix Casalgrande Padana is free.
- Candidates must submit their application by registering online at www.casalgrandepadana.com/en/grand-prix/ or sending all documents by post to: Segreteria del Grand Prix c/o Casalgrande Padana, Strada Statale 467, n. 73 42013 Casalgrande (RE).
- The latest deadline for registration is 31st December 2021; if sent by post, the date of the postmark shall be deemed to be the date of delivery.

- The awarding of works is assigned to an international Jury, composed of professionals of established international fame in the architecture and design field, and by the president of Casalgrande Padana, who acts as chairman of the jury. Each member assigns a score to each work according to their impartial and unquestionable judgement.
- The evaluation criteria used for drawing up a classification include the planning, functional and application aspects concerning the use of Casalgrande Padana products. In detail, it will be the task of the jury to highlight the ways, within each of the projects, in which the ceramic material has been turned to account and correctly used at various different levels, i.e. in relation to creative flair, the architectural composition, design, use of colour and finishes, through to the installation pattern and how the project has been customized; regarding the functional aspect and the technical performance, the use for which the project has been planned and the type of intervention; whether the materials have been applied correctly, the application technique used and the care given to detail.

The overall sum of prizes is 36,000 euro. The following shall be awarded:
- 4 prizes of 5,000 euro each to the First classified
- 4 prizes of 2,500 euroeach to the Second classified
- 4 prizes of 1,500 euro each to the Third classified for projects judged to be the most important in each of the following application fields (the sum will be divided among the winners if the prize is awarded for equal merit):
- Floorings and wall coverings Shopping and office centres (large surface area)
- Floorings and wall coverings Public and service industry buildings, Industrial buildings
- Floorings and wall coverings Residential buildings
- Wall coverings and floorings Facade coverings and external floorings, swimming pools and SPA
Awarded works will be published in a volume prepared by Casalgrande Padana; all participants in the competition will receive a free copy.