Delegation of architects visits “Together” exhibition
On Wednesday, October 15, a delegation of Italian architects, representing prominent architectural firms, participated in the visit guided by the curator, architect Daniele Lauria, and organized by IQD and FAI Fondo Ambiente Italiano and the Order of Architects of Venice, to the exhibition Together, the contemporary living of yesterday, today and tomorrow.

The dialogue between the 2018 Pritzker laureate, Balkrishna Vithaldas Doshi, and Daniele Lauria, published on the number 60 of IQD magazine, constitutes the starting point of an exposition project that involves architects and designers of different cultures and is a background of a program of events and meetings. The title of the project coincides with the last word of the one of Biennale because the question posted by Hashim Sarkis (“How We Will Live Together?”) leads us to look at humanity no longer as a plurality of individuals (“I”) but a collective subject (“us”) which must find new ways of coexistence, mainly in urban fields.

The exhibition, inside the Negozio Olivetti in Piazza San Marco in Venice, a masterpiece of 20th century architecture created by Carlo Scarpa as a showroom for Olivetti machines in 1958, was inaugurated on September 14 and will be on display until November 21.

Thanks to all architects in visit to the exhibition Together Paola Fabris e Fabrizio Fabris (Studio Fabris), Davide Tela e Roberta Mazzola (Studio Panzera), Andrea Viganò (D73), Massimo Formenton e Alice Baldan (Parisotto&Formenton), Luca Mangione e Elisa Angelini (Ad-Myra), Viola Bentivogli (MCA Cucinella), Francesco Magnani e Traudy Pelzel (MAP Studio Architetti Associati), Andreas Profanter (noa* network of architecture), Emanuele Missaglia e Simona Sporchia (MEA), Filippo Bricolo e Francesca Falsarella (Bricolo & Falsarella), Fernando Mosca e Marcela Mosca (Studio Mosca), Daniele Colombo e Marina Vacchi (Spi – Società progettazioni Integrali), Giancarlo Tallone (Rizzani De Eccher), Duilio Damilano (Studio Damilano), Gabriele Falconi e Rossana di Giuseppe (Falconi Architettura) and the companies Tabu, Martinelli luce, Franchi Umberto Marmi and Barausse that allowed the meeting and shared cultural and convivial moments in the beautiful Venetian setting.