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IQD is a prestigious international reference for the architecture and design sectors. Much more than a means of in-depth information, IQD is the fulcrum of a community, around which meetings, conferences, exhibitions and events develops with the aim of bringing cultural production to reaffirm its role as a vanguard in the process of understanding, and improving, the world.

Last issue

IQD 77 Architecture for Peace 2

This latest issue of 2024 presents the second part of the section devoted to the complex topic of Architecture’s possible contribution to reducing tensions, fostering conditions of peace and well-being, with contributions from other four professionals who have worked with IQD in the past as Guest Editors.

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IQD Issue 4

July > September 2006 Get the issue

IQD Issue 3

April > June 2006 Get the issue

IQD Issue 2

January > March 2006 Get the issue

IQD Issue 1

October > December 2005 Get the issue

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