ISH Digital 2021
ISH, the world’s leading trade fair for water, heating and air-conditioning, is branching out in new directions and will take the form of a digital event from 22 to 26 March 2021. The aim: to bring together and connect all of the sector’s experts for five days.

Wolfgang Marzin, President and Chief Executive Officer of Messe Frankfurt: “Over recent weeks, we have worked extremely hard to make ISH 2021 the main platform for doing business and imparting knowledge in the sanitation and HVAC sector. If it is not possible for us to hold a physical event in Frankfurt, we will simply take ISH to people at home and focus on doing that what we could always do best: bring together demand and supply, convey knowledge, generate new impulses and reveal solutions”. There are two modules for exhibitor participation: ISH Contactor and ISH digital platform 2021. ISH Contactor is the international hub and search engine for water, heating and air-conditioning the whole year round. For a whole year, companies can reach everyone interested in sanitation and HVAC with their profiles at www.ish.messefrankfurt.com. Over one million visits for this period means that ISH Contractor will be the world’s biggest catalogue for the sanitation and HVAC world. Additionally, content for the sector will also be available there.

The heart of event is the ISH digital platform, the virtual live event from 22 to 26 March 2021. There, all exhibitor activities will be brought together and intelligently linked to the various services offered by Messe Frankfurt. On offer are three packages – Basic, Advanced and Premium – each with a variety of different features. For young, innovative companies, there is a special Start-up Package. In common with ISH Contactor, all packages include an attractive exhibitor presentation with products, information and contact details but with the addition of a chat function and 1:1 video calls, which exhibitors can use to communicate with customers. The most important feature: the intelligent, AI-aided matchmaking with appropriate business contacts for lead generation. Rounding off these central features will be live streams and on-demand relays of items from the programme of events, as well as an appointments system for online meetings with exhibitors. During the event, all features will be available around the clock, in all time zones worldwide, and thus give visitors the chance to benefit from all lectures, press events, product shows, presentations, special shows, etc., regardless of time or location.

- Top Themes ISH Energy: One of the important, future-oriented subjects to be discussed in the energy section of ISH digital 2021 is the Green Deal. The European Union’s ‘Green Deal’ sets ambitious climate targets. The EU wants, by 2030, to have reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by 60 percent compared with 1990 levels. For these ambitious targets to be achievable, all sectors of the economy will have to make an active contribution. And there are far-reaching consequences for the largest energy consumer in both Germany and Europe – the heating sector. Additionally, the spotlight will also be on the enormous significance of ventilation and air-conditioning equipment, especially in the light of the on-going Covid-19 pandemic.
- Top Themes ISH Water The water section will focus thematically on drinking-water hygiene and the trend towards hygiene in the bathroom. With dirt and bacteria resistant surfaces, touch-free operation and hygienic electronic bidets, the sanitation industry presents smart solutions to meet the increasing expectations on hygiene. ‘Pop up my Bathroom’ takes up the top themes and will exclusively present three long-term bathroom-design trends.