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Winners of the VI IDEAS4WOOD competition and Carpanelli Award unveiled

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The VI edition of the 2023/2024 International Contest IDEAS4WOOD closed on 12 June. More than 500 projects were submitted by students and professionals from all over the world. We publish below the names, in random order, of the Contest and Carpanelli Award Finalists who will be awarded on 5 September during the Award Ceremony to be held at the Triennale in Milan.

TABU PROFESSIONALS (In alphabetical order)

  • Andolina Liborio Marco, Enna, ELETTROPOP
  • Cattacin Michela, Venice, VINIL
  • Francescato ValeriaPagotto Alessia, Turin, GRADIENTE
  • Gentile Paolo Stefano, Cernusco dul Naviglio MI, VENT
  • Mansi Giulio MatteoD’Alto PaoloPietro Avolio, Milan, SWIRL
  • Melli Luca, Desio MI, LEAF
  • Myriantis Thiseas, GREECE, DIZZY FLOOR

TABU STUDENTS (In alphabetical order)

  • Balliana Martina Simona, Accademia Belle Arti di Brera Milano – Design del Prodotto, Progetto ZEN GARDEN
  • Brugnara Coutinho Ana LuisaLucia Moraes (Brasile), Istituto Marangoni Milano – Interior Design Master, Progetto ELEA
  • Ena Beatrice, Università degli Studi di Genova – Design del Prodotto, Progetto LA DOLCE VITA
  • Gorgoglione Luca, Università IUAV Venezia – Design del Prodotto, Progetto EX MACHINA
  • Janikova Lenka (Slovacchia), Istituto Europeo di design Firenze – Interior and Furniture Design, Progetto THE CLOSE UP
  • Olper Arianna, Accademia Belle Arti di Brera Milano – Design del Prodotto, Progetto SKIN
  • Pishvapour Mona (Iran), Accademia Belle Arti di Brera Milano – Design del Prodotto, Progetto INTERLACED HORIZON
  • Sims Lillian (USA), Istituto Marangoni Milano – Interior Contract Design, Progetto RAW ROOTS

CARPANELLI PROFESSIONALS (In alphabetical order)

  • Angarita Daniel Riccardo Petruzzelli, Colombia-Italia, Progetto PENDULA
  • Lucchese Francesco, Milano, Progetto COLLEZIONE GIOTTO
  • Pannozzo Vittorio, Fondi LT, Progetto STRUCTURA
  • Ramundo Alessio, Milano, Progetto STILT

CARPANELLI STUDENTS (In alphabetical order)

  • Arnaboldi Arianna Battiante Andrea, Accademia Belle Arti di Brera Milano – Product Design, Progetto ARMONIA
  • Barbato Alessandro, ISIA Roma Design– Design del Prodotto, Progetto STASI
  • Otzurk Ekin Guney (Turchia), Politecnico di Milano, Progetto TETRA
  • Perfetto ElenaGrando Alessandro, ISIA Roma Design-Sede di Pordenone – Design del Prodotto, Progetto SINUO

Various mentions will also be recognised, including the IQD Magazine Special Prize for the best vision in architecture, which will include publication of the project in the international architecture magazine and a one-year subscription to the magazine.

We thank all participants and invite you to participate in the next edition of the Contest. Read more: www.i4w.it

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