At Fuorisalone 2023, the PNA network, which Franchi Umberto Marmi is a part of, presents ‘WE ARE NATURE’
At Fuorisalone 2023, the PNA network, which Franchi Umberto Marmi is a part of, presents ‘WE ARE NATURE’: an emotional installation emphasizing the connection between natural stone and sustainability while also highlighting the close relationship between people and natural stone.
The PNA “We Are Nature” stand is located within the Central Point of SuperStudioPiù in Tortona. The display, curated by Natascia Bascherini and Federica Ghinoi of Danae Project, presents an essential aesthetic. Here the protagonist is a led wall cube positioned in the centre of the exhibition space, showing various alternating emotional and scientific themes. The concept of the installation revolves around the idea that stone belongs to man as much as man belongs to stone: the reciprocity of this relationship lies in the fundamental values of respect, conscious use and sustainability.
Not only has history always represented our roots, it is also our greatest source of inspiration: looking back through time at the fundamental milestones of this long journey we discover a sense of authentic and profound belonging which sees man and stone united. Therefore it is only by starting from our origins that we can imagine a more sustainable future. Thanks to increased awareness and the need to use this precious resource respectfully and consciously, sustainability intended as the naturalness of the man-stone relationship is the pillar on which to build a path of consistent innovation with the need to imagine a future that is not only better but also possible, strengthening that ancient bond at the root.
The claim “We are Nature” draws a parallel between the uniqueness of each stone and that of the human body: each in their diversity are unrepeatable and non-replicable. Around the led wall cube are ten seats, made by the Network’s partner companies from various natural stones, testifying to the infinite variety of colours and textures nature has to offer. A mirrored corridor within the space allows the visitor to enjoy an immersive experience that is an integral and live element of the video.
The commitment of Franchi Umberto Marmi translates into significant numbers in terms of achievements and certifications. Over the years, the company has adopted an integrated Quality/Environment/Safety certification system, following the international standards ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018, respectively. The observance of these standards guarantees the continuing improvement of performance in each category. In following this direction, the company began an analysis of environmental sustainability not limited merely to its own production, but encompassing the entire supply chain of its products, known as LCA (Life Cycle Assessment). In 2020, these insights led to EPD, or “Bettogli Marble slabs of thickness 2 and 3 cm Environmental Product Declaration”, the certification and subsequent publication of an Environmental Product Declaration registered at The International EPD® System. The study was developed according to the ISO 14040, ISO 14044, ISO 14025 standards and the requirements of the UNI EN 15804 standard and considers all processes related to product operation: from the extraction of raw materials to the production, use and product maintenance, up to the reuse and disposal of all final waste.